Title IX Sex Discrimination Policy

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newbb电子(“学校”或“MSM”)不基于性别歧视,并根据1972年教育修正案第九条及其实施条例的要求,禁止在其教育计划或活动中存在性别歧视, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1974, and other applicable state and local laws. 学校禁止性别歧视的规定延伸到学校运作的各个方面, including admissions and employment.  学校也禁止法律规定的各种形式的报复.  性别歧视的报告和投诉可以向学校的第九条协调员提出, whose contact information is specified below.

本政策执行学校禁止性别歧视的规定, 载有如何举报性别歧视的资料, 并阐述了学院调查和裁决性别歧视指控的程序.  该政策禁止一切形式的性别歧视, including Adverse Treatment Sex Discrimination, Policy or Practice Sex Discrimination, and Sex-Based Harassment, which includes Quid Pro Quo Harassment, Hostile Environment Harassment, Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking.

Members of the School Community who commit Sex Discrimination are subject to the full range of School discipline including verbal reprimand; written reprimand; mandatory training, coaching, or counseling; mandatory monitoring; partial or full probation; partial or full suspension; demotion; fines; permanent separation from the institution (that is, termination or dismissal); physical restriction from School property; cancellation of contracts; and any combination of the same.


Consistent with Title IX, 学校还为怀孕或与怀孕有关的情况的人提供一定的支持和住宿.  学校有一个单独的怀孕修改政策来管理这些支持和住宿的提供.

The School has designated a Title IX Coordinator to respond to questions about the Policy and Title IX and its implementing regulations; to receive Reports and Complaints of Sex Discrimination as further explained in the Policy, 并根据政策和适用法律法规的要求,协调和监督学校对性别歧视的反应.  第九条协调员的姓名和newbb电子如下:

Carol Matos
A-427 Andersen Hall
136 Claremont Ave
New York, NY 10027
(917) 493-4450


第九条协调员可以指派一名或多名指定人员执行学校的一些责任,以遵守第九条及其实施条例, 但第九条协调员保留对这些责任的最终监督.

In addition to the Title IX Coordinator, 有关第九条及其实施条例的问题可参考美国宪法.S. 教育部民权办公室(OCR).  Contact information for OCR is available at:

New York Office
Office for Civil Rights
U.S. Department of Education
26 Federal Plaza, Suite 31-100
New York, NY 10278-9991
Telephone: 646-428-3800

Email: OCR.NewYork@ed.gov


本政策适用于发生在学校教育计划或活动中,由学校社区成员犯下的性别歧视, 涉及学生投诉人或学生答辩人的性别骚扰除外. 这些投诉将由学校的性别骚扰政策(学生)专门处理。.

本政策不适用于发生在学校教育计划或活动范围之外的性别歧视. Nevertheless, 学校将在其教育计划或活动下处理基于性别的敌对环境,即使一些被指控助长敌对环境的行为发生在教育计划或活动之外或美国境外.

本政策和《newbb电子》是针对学校教育项目或活动中发生的性别歧视的独家政策, 性别歧视的报告和投诉可能涉及违反其他学校政策和标准的行为.  学校保留充分的自由裁量权,以执行有关适用行为的其他政策和标准, whether prior to, at the same time as, 或性别歧视指控已根据本政策解决.

Read full policy —
Title IX Sex Discrimination Policy:

Title IX Procedures for Informal Resolution:

Report an Incident:

MSM Title IX Coordinator

Carol Matos is MSM’s Title IX Coordinator. 她还担任MSM的行政和人际关系副总裁.

Contact information:


MSM Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Hannah DeBlock is MSM’s Deputy Title IX Coordinator. 她还担任MSM的英语作为第二语言的主管.

Contact information:


MSM Assistant Deputy Title IX Coordinator

Jacob Poulos is MSM’s Assistant Deputy Title IX Coordinator. 他还担任MSM的生产和性能运营部门经理.

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